Ed Big Daddy Roth - Custom Cars & Monsters

Drag Nut Drawing
The original Drag Nut drawing.

"I use'ta use a safety helmeted wierdo in my old car show drawings from 1960 called 'Race?' In '62 when Revell needed more characters for their wierd plastic models, I hadda give the character a name: 'Drag Nut.'"
- Ed Roth, from Confessions of a Rat Fink

drag nut box
Model Kit Box Cover - 1995 re-issue

trade ad
1960s Revell Trade ad:
"The monster scene couldn't be complete without 'Drag Nut' grinding the gears in the nuttiest Bantam Dragster ever devised by 'Big Daddy' Roth. This new Revell kit comes complete with the most unnecessary automotive accessory known to man - a genuine, 100% pure, bonafide RAT FINK!"

Drag Nut Model
Constructed and Painted Model of Drag Nut.

Drag Nut Model
Close Up View of Drag Nut.
